Found a bug?


So you've found a bug - congratulations!


At we would like to record the event. We ask that you to give us some information and do a few basic things. It's not necessary to do it precisely in the order below, just whatever works out easiest for you. And now that you know what a gold bug is next time you can do some of those things straight away when you find one.


STEP 1: Please record the date you found it, the location, bug number, and the unique code stamped on the bug. The unique code is essential in order to record your find. Just the general location is fine, eg: 'Castlemaine', 'Whipstick', 'Smythesdale', etc, no need for GPS co-ordinates or what track it was on.


STEP 2: Please re-bury the bug as soon as possible. See tips here on How To Bury A Bug. You can re-bury it in precisley the same location that you found it, or in a different location. It's up to you. (Note that the special edition bugs should be buried in their respective location/s and NOT brought/taken and buried in any other area.) Please let us know where you buried it, the general area at least - this way we can keep a record of where they all are, plus it serves as further verification when the bug is found again in future. (Note that we do not disclose bug locations to anybody for any reason, nor do we go and dig them up just to check as we would be disturbing the ground.) Please bury the bug approximately 3 to 6 inches (7-15cm) below the ground and try to compact the soil down as much as possible when re-burying, say using a hammer or large rock. Disturbed soil will sometimes affect detectorist behaviour - when they see another dig-hole they may pass over the target thinking it is just trash that someone else dug up and threw back in the hole. Also try to restore the surface of the soil with top-soil and/or leafy debris, etc, since after a rain or two the area will look less like it was disturbed recently. Important note: Only bury the bug within the KNOWN GOLD FIELDS and in PUBLIC AREAS ACCESSIBLE FOR DETECTING - anything buried on private land or outside known and accesible gold areas will likely never be found again, and that defeats the whole purpose.


STEP 3: Please send an email to GLDBG @ GLDBG. COM with subject heading 'BUG FIND' with the following information (copy and paste the template below the explanation):


(1) Your name. Please try to give sufficient detail as there might be sevaral Davids or Bobs even with the same surname initial and it will help distinguish your finds from everyone else's. Note that the name you provide will be published on If you wish to remain anonymous you may choose to create an alias for yourself, eg: HappyCamper, or David8942. Please ensure that the name you choose is unique (see the Bugger List page) since your finds may inadvertently be recorded under someone else's name.

(2) The date you found it, and the location.

(3) The bug number.

(4) The unique code of the bug. WE CANNOT RECORD YOUR FIND WITHOUT THIS. Please do not photograph the bug and post it anywhere online as the unique code is the way to confirm the authenticity of the find. Having the unique code publicly displayed will render it useless and may result in fake finds being claimed and the bug eventually being removed from the list.

(5) The date you re-buried the bug and the new location.



---Copy Start---

Bug Found

1) Name: x

2a) Date Found: x

2b) Location: x

3) Bug Number: x

4) Unique Code: x

5a) Date Reburied: x

5b) Reburied Location: x

---Copy End---


STEP 4: Sit back and relax, watching your name go up on the Latest Finds and LeaderBoard lists. Then go find another bug!